COURSESSpanish for Non-Native Speakers

Our courses facilitate non-native speakers to achieve an advanced level of Spanish and the development of written and oral comprehension.


The fundamentals of this course are based around communicative practices between student and teacher, which promote the development of written and oral mastery. We encourage learners to become active in their own learning experiences as we tailor classes and activities to the needs of the individual. Our exercises nurture progress across the four, key skills of any language: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

The vocabulary applied will be focused on the specific terminology suitable for the profession of the student leading to practical exercises to eventually write writs or reports and holding a fluent conversation.

Not only do our courses allow learners to attain the prestigious academic accolades to evidence their new proficiency in Spanish, but they promote a personal independence with the use of Spanish in their everyday life. While following the Cambridge curriculum, we value the need for Spanish for our learners, and continually fine-tune our classes to include the most beneficial vocabulary, topics, culture and linguistics for each group. From writing professional reports and papers, to holding a fluent conversation, all needs are catered for at Campus III idiomas.


To ensure that each learner can benefit from the most valuable learning time and experiences, our classes sizes range from five to eight people per lesson. When you begin your course with us, your existing level of Spanish will be assessed, so that you can be assured you will be in a group with learners of a similar level. This allows you to learn at your own pace and be faced with the correct level of support and challenge while you learn. Our small class sizes allow us to create a suitable programme to fulfil the needs of every learner; no matter what they may be.